Aris in March: "On streaming statistics and standing Americans"

It was an eventful March for the musicians of the Aris Quartet:

It started right away on March 1st with a world premiere by the Austrian-American composer Lukas Ligeti in Stuttgart's Liederhalle. Ligeti dedicated the 4th string quartet entitled "Neostasis" to the Aris Quartet.


On March 8th, International Women's Day, the Aris Quartet broke new ground and released the very first "e-single" in its 15-year history with music by Fanny Hensel with Deutsche Grammophon (Universal Music).

A new format for new times - and extremely successful, as evidenced by the tens of thousands of streaming views in the first few weeks. For those who also want something for the eye, the DG has conveniently also published the matching video - take a look and enjoy the music of the composer, who is unfortunately only rarely performed.


On March 14, the ensemble once again traveled to North America. From North Carolina to Utah, the musicians were celebrated by euphoric US audiences with standing ovations - a particular highlight was their Canadian debut in the "Salle Pollack Hall" in Montreal. An important part of the quartet's work is always working with talented young musicians - this time in master classes at Weber State University and the University of Utah.

Fortunately, there was enough time for one or two excursions into the impressive natural surroundings - and the musicians were able to spend Easter tired but happy with their families.