Aris in June: "Of domes, premieres and tractors"

Crisis in classical music? Fewer and fewer concert series and falling ticket sales? There is another way, as the idyllically located Fleckenbühler Hof in Schönstadt proves: a newly founded series, a dedicated team and a sold-out hall - a wonderful start to the month for the musicians of the Aris Quartet on June 1st! 

From the great outdoors, it was straight on to the big city - with a special highlight in the Cologne Philharmonie on June 2: once again together with a fantastic Christiane Karg!

Meanwhile, there was more than just music to marvel at on June 13 in Leipzig: the Aris Quartet gave a fascinating open-air concert in the breathtaking setting of the "TECHNE SPHERE" designed by star architect Oscar Niemeyer - great pictures included!

The ensemble performed two concerts for the first time at the Musikfest in Kassel (14.+15.06.) - it was also the first joint appearance with cellist Nico Treutler and - logically enough - also with a premiere! The Bärenreiter publishing house has rearranged Robert Schumann's famous cello concerto for quartet and solo cello - an extremely well-executed version that brings completely new facets to this much-played work.

Back to nature they went to Buchholz in the Nordheide on June 16th - the anniversary celebration of the history and museum association provided a rustic but extremely charming setting for the performance with pianist Michael Dorner - and provided a successful conclusion to a highly varied concert month!